Cost of Living Advice
We know that many of our residents will be hit by the cost of living crisis this winter.
Financial advice and support is available if you’re struggling to make ends meet.
Follow these steps to find out where to get help in Salisbury and Wiltshire.
I suddenly have no money
• Lost job/reduced hours
• Lost money/unexpected expense
• Disaster (e.g. flood or fire)
• Relationship breakdown
• Money stopped (e.g. failed a medical)
• Sanctioned - see option 5
I am waiting on a benefit payment / decision
• Made a new claim for benefit
• Benefit payment is delayed
• Waiting for a benefit decision
See option 4
My money doesn’t stretch far enough
• Deciding between food/fuel/mobile credit
• Low income or zero hours contract
• Statutory sick pay too low to cover costs
• Facing redundancy
• Not sure if eligible for support
• Change of circumstance (e.g. new baby/bereavement/illness/breakup)
See option 2
I have debt
• Rent or Council Tax arrears
• Gas or electricity
• Credit or store cards
• Personal loans and overdrafts
• Owe friends and family
• Benefit repayments
See option 3
I voted Conservative
- Consider buying a new kettle
Citizens Advice - Wiltshire
Support with debt, benefits, housing and employment.
🌍 www.citizensadvicewiltshire.org.uk
Help with options: 1 2 3 4 5 6
Budgeting and debt advice.
Clean Slate
Help with money matters, finding work and getting online.
Help with option: 2
Warm and Well
Energy efficiency advice
📞 0800 500 3076 🌍 www.warmandwell.co.uk
Salisbury Pantry
Provides affordable, nutritious food
salisburypantry@salisburycitycouncil.gov.uk 🌍 www.yourlocalpantry.co.uk/pantry-listings/salisbury-pantry
Trussell Trust - Salisbury Foodbank
Provides emergency food and support
📞 01722 580 173 🌍 salisbury.foodbank.org.uk
AgeUK - Salisbury
A local charity working in the community to support older people, their families and carers.
📞 0808 196 2424 🌍 enquiries@ageukwiltshire.org.uk
Wiltshire Money - Cost of Living Support
Provides a number of useful resources
🌍 wiltshiremoney.org.uk/wiltshire-resources/cost-of-living-support
Free housing advice
📞 0808 800 4444 🌍 www.england.shelter.org.uk
Step Change
Debt charity offering free debt advice and money management
📞 0800 138 1111 🌍 www.stepchange.org
Provide information and financial support. Benefits calculator benefits-calculator.turn2us.org.uk
📞 0808 802 2000 🌍 www.turn2us.org.uk
Advice to help improve your finances
📞 0800 138 7777 🌍 www.moneyhelper.org.uk
Healthy Start Vouchers
To help buy fruit, vegetables and milk if you’re on a low income, pregnant or have a child under 4
📞 0345 607 6823 🌍 www.healthystart.nhs.uk
Citizens Advice (National)
Provides advice about budgeting and the extra help you can receive if you’re struggling with the cost of living. Get help with the cost of living www.citizensadvice.org.uk/debt-and-money/get-help-with-the-cost-of-living/
📞 0800 144 8848 🌍 www.citizensadvice.org.uk
Jobcentre Plus
If you’re seeking work, you may be able to get six months worth of broadband through your local Jobcentre Plus.
📞 0800 169 0190 🌍 www.gov.uk/contact-jobcentre-plus
Lists the cheaper broadband and phone packages (social tariffs) available.
🌍 www.ofcom.org.uk
Warm and Safe Wiltshire
Offers Wiltshire residents free and impartial energy saving advice via an advice line open 9-5pm Monday-Friday. They provide help and advice relating to insulation, heating and draft proofing; help with switching energy suppliers and fuel tariffs; and advice on available grants and schemes.
📞 0800 038 5722 🌍 www.warmandsafewiltshire.org.uk
Wiltshire Council
Provides information about benefits and the support available.
📞 0300 456 0100 🌍 www.wiltshire.gov.uk
Wiltshire Libraries
Provides warm spaces with free access to books, newspapers, Wi-Fi and computers, plus printing for a small charge, and staff that can help to answer any queries you may have. Locations: www.wiltshire.gov.uk/librarylocations
🌍 www.wiltshire.gov.uk/libraries
Supporting people with data connectivity (Broadband and mobile data)
🌍 www.goodthingsfoundation.org/data-poverty-lab/supporting-people-with-data-connectivity-broadband-and-mobile-data/
WASCU Wiltshire & Swindon Credit Union
Co-operative run banking
📞 01793 522 216 🌍 WASCU Wiltshire & Swindon Credit Union
Your care Your support Wiltshire (search for “foodbank”)
🌍 adults.wiltshire.gov.uk
Updated on 07/09/2022